Church Membership

One of the rich joys of our church is its emphasis on membership. We believe that while membership in a local church is a command for Believers to obey, it is also a kind gift from God. We believe that membership affords the opportunity to truly fulfill the prayer of Christ in John 17:20-23, to obey the commands of Hebrews 10:23-25, and to live out today what we see of the first church in Acts 2:42-46.

To help those who are interested in pursuing church membership, we offer a 6-week Membership Class each fall and spring. This class introduces the student to our church’s philosophy of membership, while interacting with an Elder in a smaller setting. Class topics include, but are not limited to, Is Membership Biblical?, Requirements for Membership, and Committed Church Membership.

This 6-week class is required for church membership, but it is not expected that everyone who attends will join the church; everyone is welcome to come and worship with us and receive the Word.

Steps to join Kennerly Road Baptist Church:

  1. Attend the Membership Class
  2. Communicate your desire to join the church to an Elder
  3. Have an interview meeting with an Elder
  4. Be baptized by immersion after your conversion (for those who haven’t been previously baptized in Believer’s Baptism)
  5. Be presented to the church for membership

Let us know today if you are interested in more information about joining Kennerly Road Baptist Church!